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Saturday, November 14, 2009

2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won't End?

Remember the Y2K scare? It came and went without much of a whimper because of adequate planning and analysis of the situation. Impressive movie special effects aside, Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know. It will, however, be another winter solstice.

Much like Y2K, 2012 has been analyzed and the science of the end of the Earth thoroughly studied. Contrary to some of the common beliefs out there, the science behind the end of the world quickly unravels when pinned down to the 2012 timeline. Below, NASA Scientists answer several questions that we're frequently asked regarding 2012.

Question (Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
Answer (A): Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.

Q: What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012?
A: The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012. Then these two fables were linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 -- hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012.

Q: Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?
A: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar.

Q: Could a phenomena occur where planets align in a way that impacts Earth?
A: There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades, Earth will not cross the galactic plane in 2012, and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is an annual event of no consequence.

"There apparently is a great deal of interest in celestial bodies, and their locations and trajectories at the end of the calendar year 2012. Now, I for one love a good book or movie as much as the next guy. But the stuff flying around through cyberspace, TV and the movies is not based on science. There is even a fake NASA news release out there..."
- Don Yeomans, NASA senior research scientist
Q: Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?
A: Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.

Q: What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the earth’s crust does a 180-degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours?
A: A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. There are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds of millions of years ago), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles. However, many of the disaster websites pull a bait-and-shift to fool people. They claim a relationship between the rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change irregularly, with a magnetic reversal taking place every 400,000 years on average. As far as we know, such a magnetic reversal doesn’t cause any harm to life on Earth. A magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia, anyway.

The Blue Marble: Next GenerationEarth, as seen in the Blue Marble: Next Generation collection of images, showing the color of the planet's surface in high resolution. This image shows South America from September 2004. Q: Is the Earth in danger of being hit by a meteor in 2012?
A: The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets and asteroids, although big hits are very rare. The last big impact was 65 million years ago, and that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers are carrying out a survey called the Spaceguard Survey to find any large near-Earth asteroids long before they hit. We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs. All this work is done openly with the discoveries posted every day on the NASA NEO Program Office website, so you can see for yourself that nothing is predicted to hit in 2012.

Q: How do NASA scientists feel about claims of pending doomsday?
A: For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none, and for all the fictional assertions, whether they are made in books, movies, documentaries or over the Internet, we cannot change that simple fact. There is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012.

Q: Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted for 2012?
A: Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years. Near these activity peaks, solar flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications, although engineers are learning how to build electronics that are protected against most solar storms. But there is no special risk associated with 2012. The next solar maximum will occur in the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history.

Addition information concerning 2012 is available on the Web, at:

Dunia Tidak Akan Kiamat pada 2012

Isu dunia bakal kiamat pada 2012 karena akan ditabrak planet Nibiru, yang menghebohkan dunia termasuk Indonesia gara-gara film yang mulai diputar pekan ini, dibantah lembaga antariksa Amerika Serikat, NASA.

Film "2012" mulai diputar pekan ini di seluruh dunia, termasuk Jakarta, dengan kisah kehancuran dunia pada 2012 akibat kedatangan planet raksasa Nibiru.

Pemasaran film itu dibuat dengan sangat spektakuler dan menyakinkan, termasuk membuat situs palsu "Institute for Human Continuity" yang telah menilai ancaman kelangsungan hidup manusia selama 25 tahun.

Sejumlah infotainment di Indonesia pun dengan semangat bercerita tentang keberadaan planet Nibiru yang bakal menghantam dunia pada 2012. Mereka, seperti dalam film, juga mengkaitkan dengan kalendar Maya yang bakal memasuki akhir masa--seperti akhir tahun di kalender bangsa lain--pada 2012.

Akibat kepanikan ini, lembaga antariksa yang dianggap paling bagus di dunia, NASA, mendapat ribuan surat mempertanyakan kebenaran planet Nibiru itu. Begitu banyak pertanyaan sampai akhirnya NASA membuat situs khusus yang membantah bakal ada bencana besar pada 2012.

Dalam situs resminya, NASA mengatakan isu kiamat 2012 itu dimulai karena Nibiru--planet yang disebut ditemukan bangsa Sumeria--sedang bergerak ke arah Bumi. Saat berada di dekat bumi itu, kehadirannnya membuat bencana besar.

Bencana ini, oleh peramalnya, semula disebut akan terjadi pada Mei 2003. "Tapi saat kiamat tidak terjadi saat itu, tanggal digeser menjadi Desember 2012," ungkap NASA.

Dongengan Nibiru ini kemudian digabung dengan cerita bahwa kalendar suku Maya akan berakhir pada akhir 2012. Menurut NASA, kalendar Maya memang sangat panjang dan berakhir pada 2012. Tapi kalendar itu tidak berbeda dengan kalendar Masehi yang berakhir 31 Desember dan mulai lagi pada 1 Januari. Jadi, nantinya kalendar Maya berakhir 2012 itu akan mulai lagi tanggal satunya.

Dalam teori kiamat itu, juga disebut bahwa posisi bumi, matahari, dan pusat galaksi Bima Sakti bakal dalam satu garis lurus. Menurut NASA, "Setiap Desember, Bumi dan matahari dalam satu garis lurus dengan pusat Galaksi Bima Sakti tapi kejadian tahunan itu tidak ada dampak apapun."

NASA juga menambahkan soal teori planet bernama Nibiru, Planet X, atau Eris yang akan mendekati bumi dan menciptakan bencana. Dalam situs resminya, NASA mengatakan, "Niburu dan cerita tentang planet yang mendekat itu bualan Internet." Nasa mengatakan tidak ada dasar fakta yang menjadikan cerita itu dipercaya.

"Jika Nibiru atau Planet X itu nyata dan bergerak menuju Bumi pada 2012, astronom akan bisa melacak setidaknya sejak 10 tahun lalu dan sekarang sudah bisa terlihat dengan mata telanjang," katanya.

Satu-satunya yang agak benar adalah soal Planet Iris. Tapi itu planet kecil seperti Pluto dan terus bergerak di garis orbit di luar. Ia tidak mendekati bumi.

Teori lain yang diributkan adalah poros bumi akan berpindah. Menurut NASA, tidak mungkin rotasi bumi berbalik arah putaran.

Soal bumi bakal dihantam oleh komet atau asteroid raksasa, menurut NASA, memang mungkin terjadi. Tapi, pada 2012 tidak ada tanda-tanda. Jika ada asterorid raksasa atau komet bakal menabrak, manusia akan melihat bertahun-tahun sebelumnya.

Tabrakan besar benda langit dengan bumi terjadi pada 65 juta tahun silam dan mengakibatkan dinosaurus punah. NASA selalu mengamati jika ada benda langit berbahaya. "Kami sudah memastikan tidak ada asteroid berbahaya sebesar yang memunahkan dinosaurus," ungkap NASA.

Soal badai matahari besar pada 2012? NASA mengungkapkan bahwa setiap 11 tahun ada badai matahari besar dan kadang menyebabkan kerja satelit terganggu. Tapi satelit sekarang sudah sanggup menghadapi badai matahari. Yang jelas, ungkap NASA, "Tidak ada risiko khsusu terkait 2012."

Badai matahari berikutnya bakal terjadi pada sekitar 2012-2014 dan itu badai matahari biasa. "Tidak berbeda dengan badai yang sebelumnya ada," ungkap NASA.

Forex Trading News - How To Use it Correctly For Profit

Today, forex trading news is more plentiful than ever. There are numerous sources to choose from and there all delivered at the click of a mouse, so you can get breaking news whenever you wish.

Here we will look at how to use Forex trading news and mistakes to avoid.

First let’s start with a rather startling fact:

100 years ago 90% of traders lost and today the ratio still remains the same.

This is despite better more frequent Forex news, better computers, more powerful software and more information than ever on the markets.

The fact is knowing the news won’t help you win – in fact, it generally helps traders lose! There are 3 main reasons for this:

News is discounted in a split second.

In today’s world of instant communications news is discounted immediately, so by the time you have seen it and had a chance to act upon it, the moment has gone and the market is looking toward the future.

News is Stories

Those analysts are so convincing with their arguments! Their normally great at explaining what has happened - but you can’t trade off what they say, as they have no idea what will happen - there simply stories and opinions.

Will Rodgers once said.

“I only believe what I Read in the papers”

Now he was joking, but its surprising how many traders take what they hear on the news as a recommendation to trade.

News Gets Your Emotions Involved

Humans don’t like to stand alone and the news reflects what the majority want to hear but that is completely different from what you have to do, to trade to win.

The bulk of traders lose and the bulk listen to the news, so if you avoid it, you can step aside and not let your emotions get involved.

If you do this, you can trade in a disciplined fashion and join the elite minority of winners.

If you use forex charts and simply follow price action, you are far more likely to be successful than you would be by following news stories.


There is one great way to use the news:

If you see a very bullish or bearish market and the news supports the prevailing view but the market does not react the way it should – then its time to look for a contrary trade and time your entry points via your forex charts.

It’s a fact that:

Bullish markets collapse when the fundamentals are most bullish and bearish markets rally when the news is at its most bearish.

If you can look for these turning points on your charts and find the news suddenly stops pushing the market the way it should, a contrary trade is developing and a big profitable trade is shaping up.


The way to use forex news outlined above, is a very powerful profit tool but completely different to the way most forex traders use it!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nostradamus, The Mayans, Doomsday Prophecy - Is the World Going to End on Dec 21, 2012?

What's the big deal about the year 2012? Three movies are coming out about 2012 and a couple of already been made on this subject.

Obviously, no one can tell you for sure whether or not the world will end on Dec 21, 2012, but what we do know is that there have been predictions and prophecies from well know historical figures, religions, and cultures for thousands of years.

Nostradamus, world famous for his prophecies hundreds of years ago, predicted that 2012 will be the end of the world as we know it. The Mayans also prophesied that a major cataclysmic event will take place on that day.

Is it possible to survive Dec 21, 2012 based on all of the predictions and prophecies made for the past hundreds of years from around the world? There are definitely places that you DO NOT want to be on that date and the are places that YOU DO NEED TO BE in order to survive that catastrophic date.

Do a Google search on the topic and you'll see all of the hooplah surrounding that date.

Whether you believe that something will or will not happen on that date is up to you, but at the very least, you should be well informed of what makes this day so unbelievably unique. There are also some cover ups by the media regarding the Doomsday Prophecy that you should know about if you are interested in what will happen on Dec 21, 2012.

Some key points that will take place in 2012.

  • The Mysterious Planet X will shift into earth's rotational path and collide with our planet! All life that isn't immediately destroyed will be flung from the surface and into space!
  • An explosion of gravity will drag the planet earth to the center of the galaxy where it will be swallowed up by all the other planets and possibly even a massive black hole!
  • The mystery of the modern mayans ... and how the History Channel and National Geographic may have been lying to you all along...
  • Exactly where you DON'T want to be on that fateful date and where your head MUST BE in order to thrive once all is said and done.
  • How a decree from the Pope himself may be the reason the truth is so hard to find. And you'll know how to cut through the muck to separate fact from fiction...
  • The very real impending threat of worldwide domination stemming from 2012. And how this takeover can be accomplished with no boots on the ground at all.
Regardless of your religious beliefs, the fact that so many different cultures, religions, believe that 2012 is the year that something major will happen that will affect all of humanity, that's enough motivation for you to educate yourself on everything you need to know about December 21, 2012.

Get the facts on all of the predictions and prophecies about 2012. Start educating yourself tonight! An eBook that is taking the world by storm and is being considered "The Bible of 2012" will shed new light on this cataclysmic date. It will prepare you with all of the facts about December 2012 the end of the world.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Samoa, American Samoa at a glance

By The Associated Press

Key facts on the Independent State of Samoa and the U.S. territory of American Samoa:

American Samoa:

- Located about 2,300 miles southwest of Hawaii and 1,600 miles northeast of New Zealand.

- Largest island is Tutuila, home to 95 percent of the territory's 65,000 population.

- A U.S. territory since 1900.

- Used as a training and staging area for the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II. Controlled by the U.S. Navy until 1951.

- Territory is administered by the U.S. Department of Interior. Those born in the territory are U.S. nationals, not citizens.

- Local government is organized like the U.S. government, with a Senate, a House of Representatives and an elected governor. Represented in Congress by a nonvoting delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives.

- American Samoa doesn't vote in elections for U.S. president and vice president, but residents can vote in Democratic and Republican presidential primary elections.

- Tuna canneries account for nearly 60 percent of all economic activity.

Independent State of Samoa:

- A German protectorate from 1900 until World War I.

- Administered by New Zealand until 1962, when it gained independence and formed a parliamentary democracy.

- Changed its name from Western Samoa to Independent State of Samoa in 1997.

- Population is about 179,000.


Sources: American Samoa Historic Preservation Office, American Samoa Government Official Web site, American Samoa Tourism, CIA World Factbook.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Palin emerges in Asia with speech to investors

By JEREMIAH MARQUEZ / Associated Press

Former U.S. vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, criticized for her lack of foreign policy experience, emerged in Asia on Wednesday to give a speech that could boost her credentials for a possible bid for the presidency in 2012.

In her first trip to the region, the former Alaska governor addressed an annual conference of global investors in Hong Kong and was to discuss everything from governance to economics and U.S and Asian affairs, according to the event's organizer.

Palin started off her speech — which was closed to reporters — with a light talk about the links between her state and the southern Chinese territory, then touched later on economic issues.

One attendee said she criticized the U.S. Federal Reserve's massive intervention in the economy over the last year, arguing its actions only exacerbated the crisis. She also praised the conservative economic policies of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan and former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

Earlier, she talked of Alaska's salmon exports and complimented Hong Kong as a "beautiful city," according to a second attendee. Both people spoke on condition of anonymity.

Former President Bill Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan have spoken in the past at the conference, hosted by brokerage and investment group CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets.

"She was chosen because she's a woman of news value and presents an opinion that we feel would be of value to our fund managers," said CLSA spokeswoman Simone Wheeler.

Palin, who burst on the U.S. political scene last year when she was chosen as Republican Sen. John McCain's running mate, was ridiculed during the campaign after contending her state's proximity to Russia gave her foreign policy experience.

"You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska," she said.

Palin received her first passport in 2007, to visit Alaska National Guard members serving in Kuwait and Germany.

The Hong Kong speech marks her first major appearance since she vanished from public view after she resigned as governor in July.

Since then, she's signed with the prestigious Washington Speakers Bureau and reportedly been flooded with over a thousand offers.

Palin aides refused to disclose her fee for the appearance, which has been rumored to be in the low six figures.

While she's thought to be considering a bid for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, her Hong Kong trip bore no political overtones, said Fred Malek, a friend and Palin adviser.

"You can read a lot of things into it, 'Is she trying to burnish her foreign policy credentials?' and the like. But really, it's a trip that will be beneficial to her knowledge base and will defray some legal and other bills that she has," Malek said.

CLSA requested Palin's speech be closed to reporters so she could make an "unfettered" presentation to investors, according to spokeswoman Wheeler. And Palin, whose supporters have long accused the media of bias and harsh treatment, agreed. Since resigning, Palin has ducked mainstream news outlets and communicated with supporters largely via her popular Facebook page.

Hari Sevugan, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, said Tuesday the group knew little about Palin's speech.

"We're curious as to what she's willing to say in private but not in public," Sevugan said. "Are there other countries that she can see from her window that she doesn't want us to know about?"

Barack Obama A new president takes over

Today Barack Obama becomes president. The celebration has been going on for a while already, but it reaches a climax today with the swearing in, the inaugural parade and an array of inaugural balls. We, like so many people, are excited at this historic moment, as Obama becomes the first son of a black man to become president of the United States, breaking one the greatest barriers of all in this nation's civil rights struggle.

Coming one day after the celebration of the Martin Luther King Holiday, the inauguration caps a long holiday weekend of whistle-stops, speeches, tributes, concerts and rejoicing.

It all happened very quickly, as national political change goes.

Obama not only amazed the United States but the world by coming from the relative obscurity of being a first-term senator from Illinois to an underdog contender in the Democratic primaries, then to taking on the front-runner and presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton and knocking her out, and finally defeating Republican John McCain in the November election.

Obama used the standard refrains of "hope" and "change" and bipartisanship in a way that made it all sound like fresh ideas. He invigorated a bloc of new voters and millions of small contributors who built the nation's largest political war chest ever, and he wowed the nation with his commanding oratory and cool "rock star" image. While the notion of a cool image may sound silly, as much as anything Obama projected confidence, intelligence and a command of the issues, domestic and foreign.

Warnings from both his adversary Clinton and the Republicans that Obama didn't have the experience to be president and the ability to succeed on the national and international stages did not work. Too many voters had seen more experienced politicians, and they didn't want more of the same.

Obama prevailed politically with a smart, savvy campaign, organized by a brain trust that continues with him as he assumes the presidency today. He has shown he has what it takes, but in today's difficult times, let's all wish him the best.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pregnant Heidi Klum turns heads at Emmy red carpet

Pregnant Heidi Klum turns heads at Emmy red carpet

The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The firefighters working the red carpet at Sunday's 61st annual Emmy Awards were worried that at least one reality TV star might be going home with more than just a trophy.

"Hey, did you see Heidi Klum? She's like 8 months pregnant. So you be ready, you might have to deliver," fire Inspector Jim Fisher said to his colleague Craig Hancock as they and other authorities hustled Emmy VIPs into the Nokia Theatre.

A bystander asked Fisher if he knew what Klum, the host of "Project Runway," was wearing.

"Don"t ask a guy wearing polyester that kind of question," replied Fisher, dressed in a white uniform shirt and fire-resistant gray pants.

"What about me? This is wool," piped up Sgt. Pete Foster, who was wearing a wool shirt.


The Emmy trophy table has moved up in the world.

The offstage stop containing dozens of real Emmys, not the fake ones recipients are handed onstage, used to be located in a nondescript section of a parking garage. This year it's in an air-conditioned, red-carpeted section of the Nokia Theatre roof.

Emmy winners exit the theater through a back door, then head for the table, where they trade in their generic trophy for one of the real ones. A nameplate with their name and the category in which they were honored will arrive in the mail later.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Garrido was arrested in 1972 rape case

Another allegation of sexual abuse emerged Thursday against kidnapping suspect Phillip Garrido, when Antioch police disclosed he was arrested nearly 40 years ago on suspicion of drugging and raping a 14-year-old girl.

Garrido was accused of sexually assaulting the girl at an Antioch motel in April 1972 after giving her barbiturates, Antioch police Lt. Leonard Orman said.

Garrido was set to be prosecuted in the case but the charges were dropped when the girl refused to testify, Orman said.

The girl and a friend met Garrido, then 21, and another man near the public library and joined them in a car, where they were given drugs, he said.

Details on the case were spotty because so much time had passed.

However, authorities recently reinterviewed the girl and were able to piece together that she awoke at the motel and was raped repeatedly before her parents found her, Orman said.

It was the third sexual assault linked to Garrido by authorities.

Garrido, 58, and his wife, 54-year-old Nancy Garrido, pleaded not guilty to 29 counts of kidnapping, rape and false imprisonment in the disappearance of Jaycee Dugard 18 years ago. Both suspects are being held without bail.

Susan Gellman, Phillip Garrido's public defender in El Dorado County, did not immediately return a call seeking comment on the 1972 case.

Orman said the chances of Garrido being charged again in the 1972 case were "very slim."

Police say the Garridos held Dugard captive in a backyard encampment of tents and sheds in Antioch, and Garrido fathered two children with Dugard.

He was previously convicted in the 1976 kidnapping of a casino worker in Reno, Nev., who said Garrido raped her in a storage locker before police found them. He spent about 11 years in federal prison and was paroled in 1988. Dugard was abducted in 1991 near her South Lake Tahoe home.

Earlier Thursday, Jaycee Dugard's aunt read a brief statement to reporters saying her niece remembers her family and is enjoying getting to know her younger sister, who was a baby when Dugard was kidnapped.

Tina Dugard spoke to reporters at the FBI's Los Angeles office, describing her niece's reunion with her mother and sister.

"The smile on my sister's face was as wide as the sea. Her oldest daughter is finally home," Tina Dugard said.

Tina Dugard said her niece's daughters appeared to be bright and educated, even though they did not attend school.

"Jaycee did a truly amazing job with the limited resources and education that she herself had, and we are so proud of her," Dugard said.

The family's location has been a closely guarded secret since the 29-year-old woman reappeared last week. She was 11 when she was allegedly kidnapped.

Tina Dugard said the family has been spending time in a secluded place, reconnecting and getting to know each other again.

"Not only have we laughed and cried together, but we've spent time sitting quietly, taking pleasure in each other's company," Dugard said.

Tina Dugard took no questions from reporters and did not comment on the investigation into her niece's abduction. A spokeswoman for the Dugard family, Erika Price Schulte, said they would have no further public comment for now.

The modest Riverside home of Jaycee Dugard's mother, Terry Probyn, was quiet on Thursday.

Neighbors strung pink ribbons around tree trunks up and down the street to show their support. They also spruced up Probyn's front lawn and lent a hand with gardening while she has been gone.

"When you close your doors, you have absolutely no idea the lives and struggles behind those doors," said neighbor Lisa Brown, who does not know Probyn but wanted to show her support.

Several neighbors said they didn't know about Probyn's past until media crews started showing up on the street. They said she moved into the house several months ago.

Gates says it's not time to leave Afghanistan

Facing eroding public support for the war in Afghanistan, the Pentagon chief said Thursday that the Obama administration's effort in the eight-year-old conflict is "only now beginning." Defense Secretary Robert Gates also said he disagrees with people who say it's time to get out of Afghanistan.

Several recent public opinion polls have shown Americans expressing declining support for the idea of sending more troops to the conflict and falling confidence in how the campaign is going. But at a Pentagon news conference, Gates challenged the public perception that the effort is getting away from the administration.

"I don't believe that the war is slipping through the administration's fingers," Gates said. "The nation has been at war for eight years. The fact that Americans would be tired of having their sons and daughters at risk and in battle is not surprising."

Gates argued that President Barack Obama's new strategy in Afghanistan hasn't even been given a chance to work.

"I think what is important to remember is the president's decisions on this strategy were only made at the very end of March; our new commander appeared on the scene in June," Gates said, adding that the extra troops Obama ordered are not even all there yet, nor is the "civilian surge" he wants on hand to help.

"So we are only now beginning to be in a position to have the assets in place and the strategy or the military approach in place to begin to implement the strategy," he said.

The new U.S. and NATO commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, on Monday delivered a classified assessment of how the war is going and is expected in the coming weeks to ask for more troops and money to turn the war around.

Obama is reading the report during the long Labor Day weekend at Camp David, his aides said.

Neither Gates nor Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen responded to a question about what the still-classified report concludes. But they repeatedly dropped references to some of McChrystal's recommendations, with Mullen calling it a "frank and candid" look at how military forces can accomplish the Afghanistan mission.

Much of the debate around Afghanistan has centered on how many additional troops are needed there, and for how long. By the end of the year, an estimated 68,000 troops will be in Afghanistan — 21,000 of which were ordered there by Obama last spring. Military commanders and State Department officials on the ground, however, say many more are needed to get the job done.

Mullen said questions of how many more troops might be sent was just a piece of the needs that the Pentagon soon will ask Congress to fulfill. "It's a piece — critical, but it's not total," Mullen said.

White House signals openness to health compromise

Even as liberals urge President Barack Obama to demand bold, far-reaching changes to the nation's health care system, the White House signaled openness Thursday to compromises that might attract moderate congressional Democrats as well as some Republicans.

Obama believes in "fundamental principles" about overhauling health care, top presidential adviser David Axelrod told The Associated Press, but "he's not dogmatic about how we get there."

Axelrod's comments did not definitively answer how hard Obama will push for the most ambitious parts of his proposal, including health insurance for virtually all Americans and a government-run plan to compete with private insurers. But his diplomatic tone was in keeping with the administration's approach of refusing to flatly demand several parts that are dear to Democratic activists who helped elect him.

Those are the type of conciliatory hints that frustrate many liberals. They fear Obama will dilute the bold health care proposals he campaigned for, even though Democrats control the House, Senate and White House. One group, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, sent a mass-distributed e-mail quoting a Texas man saying he is "dropping out of political activism" because of his disillusionment with Obama over health care.

Also, former President Bill Clinton told Esquire Magazine that Obama should forge ahead with his health care proposals. "I wouldn't even worry about the Republicans," Clinton said. Obama is doing the right thing, he said, "even though he's jamming a lot of change down the system."

But many Democrats wonder if Obama really will jam a robust plan past overwhelming GOP opposition and the reservations of many centrist congressional Democrats eyeing their next election. Those Democrats will listen carefully for clues when Obama addresses a joint session of Congress next Wednesday night.

Axelrod's cautious answers Thursday might offer little comfort to those seeking forceful signs from the administration.

Asked if Obama might accept a Republican senator's idea for creating a public health insurance option only if private insurers prove unwilling or unable to meet certain affordability targets, Axelrod replied: "We need choice and competition within the pool that's created."

The plan has been floated by Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine. She often is seen as the most likely GOP lawmaker to support a primarily Democratic-crafted health bill. She would have nonprofit agencies offer health insurance only if private insurers could not cover 95 percent of the people in their regions with plans costing no more than about 15 percent of the person's or household's annual income.

Many Democrats want prompt creation of a government-run program to compete with private insurers, who stand to gain millions more customers if Congress mandates coverage of the nation's uninsured. Obama has often said he favors such a "public option." But he and his aides have repeatedly stopped short of saying he would sign no bill without it.

Obama's pollster Joel Benenson sent new survey findings to Democratic lawmakers Thursday in an apparent bid to reassure them that support for health care changes can be politically popular. The somewhat lukewarm support for Obama's initiatives, his memo said, is "based in large part on a lack of awareness of the details of the plan."

"When voters learn about the composition of the plan, support grows considerably," the memo said.

Liberals hope the administration's conciliatory words will eventually give way to a forceful move to enact a far-reaching bill, even if it draws no GOP votes. Some are warning Obama not to take them for granted.

The Congressional Progressive Caucus, comprised of 83 liberal lawmakers, sent Obama a letter Thursday saying a health bill "without a robust public option will not achieve the health reform this country so desperately needs. We cannot vote for anything less."

But some moderate Democrats in the House and Senate are wary of a government-run insurance plan. It might amass enough leverage over doctors, drug companies and others to eventually drive private insurers out of business, they say.

The Congressional Black Caucus called on Obama Thursday to show "unwavering support" for "a strong public health option" and the full funding of health care expansions included in a pending House bill.

Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday the administration is fiercely determined to get a health care overhaul, although he conceded it probably won't happen without "an awful lot of screaming and hollering."

Appearing at a Brookings Institution gathering, Biden said it will be difficult to find a consensus on remaking the health care system. But he also predicted that "we're going to get something substantial." He declared that "we're going to get there."

Meanwhile, a top Republican player in the health care debate said Americans should expect a rather modest bill from Congress this fall. Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, one of three GOP negotiators seeking a bipartisan bill in the Senate Finance Committee, told Iowa radio station KMCH, "It may be a scaled-own bill. It may be kind of miniature to what we're talking about."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Caveman" fugitive caught after 16 years

Portuguese police have recaptured a convict who had escaped in 1993 and had been hiding in the caves in the mountains for 16 years receiving help from villagers nearby, local media said on Thursday.

The 54-year-old former shepherd, thin and heavily bearded but healthy, was arrested on Wednesday in the north of the country in a police operation dubbed "Cro-Magnon" in reference to Europe's early humans who lived in caves thousands of years ago, Diario de Noticias daily said.

He had been convicted and sentenced to a 10-year term for accidentally killing a neighbor in a discussion over a sheep flock, but escaped after about 2 years in prison.

Local residents were quoted as saying the man, who only had a dog for company during his hiding, never harmed anyone while on the run. A local mayor said the village would hire a lawyer to try to alleviate his sentence.

Police were quoted as saying many locals had been helping the fugitive by giving him food, money or offering odd jobs, but would not tell the police about his whereabouts when questioned. Police say he would have to serve at least the remaining eight years of his sentence.

Jornal de Noticias daily said the man was very worried about the fate of his pet and, when arrested, pleaded to give it to a villager he knew.

Islamist sect leader in Nigeria killed in custody

The leader of the Islamist sect blamed for days of violence in northern Nigeria has been shot and killed while in police custody, officials said Thursday.

The police commander of Borno state announced on state radio that Mohammed Yusuf, the leader of the sect some call the Nigerian Taliban, has "died in police custody."

He gave no further explanation, but the state governor's spokesman Usman Ciroma told The Associated Press: "I saw his body at police headquarters. I believe he was shot while he was trying to escape."

Yusuf's death could provoke more violence, though his followers in the Boko Haram sect may be in disarray after troops shelled his compound in the northern city of Maiduguri on Wednesday. Yusuf, 39, managed to escape with about 300 followers, some of them armed. His deputy, Bukar Shekau, was killed in the attack, according to Army commander Maj. Gen. Saleh Maina.

Troops killed about 100 militants by an AP reporter's count, half of them inside the sect's mosque. Soldiers then launched a manhunt, and Yusuf was reportedly found in a goat's pen at the home of his in-laws.

Human Rights Watch called reports of Yusuf's killing "extremely worrying."

"The Nigerian authorities must act immediately to investigate and hold to account all those responsible for this unlawful killing and any others associated with the recent violence in northern Nigeria," said Corinne Dufka, the group's senior West Africa researcher.

"The local commissioner of police should be immediately removed pending an investigation into Mr. Yusuf's killing," she said in a statement.

Seeking to impose Islamic Shariah law throughout this multi-religious country, the militants attacked police stations, churches, prisons and government buildings in a wave of violence that began Sunday in Borno and quickly spread to three other northern states.

But, leading Nigerian rights groups accuse security forces of killing bystanders and other civilians. A military spokesman denied the charge and said it was impossible for rights workers to tell who was a civilian and who was a member of Boko Haram, which means "Western education is sin" in the local Hausa language.

The government warned people to evacuate the area before the attack on the compound Wednesday, then shelled the compound and stormed the group's mosque inside, setting off a raging firefight with retreating militants armed with homemade hunting rifles and firebombs, bows and arrows, machetes and scimitars.

An AP reporter saw soldiers shoot their way into the mosque under fire and then raked those inside with gunshots.

The bodies of barefoot young men littered the streets of Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state, on Thursday morning as the army pursued the manhunt on the outskirts of the city. Police said most of the dead were fighters with Boko Haram. Army Col. Ben Anahotu said three police officers were killed.

Officials said at least 4,000 people have been forced from their homes by Wednesday afternoon, but it was not known how many have been killed, wounded and arrested.

President Umaru Yar'Adua said that security agents had been ordered to attack when the movement started gathering fighters from nearby states at its sprawling Maiduguri compound in preparation for "the holy war."

The militants are also known as Al-Sunna wal Jamma, or "Followers of Mohammed's Teachings," and some Nigerian officials have referred to them as Taliban. Analyst Nnamdi K. Obasi of the International Crisis Group said a few have fought with that radical movement in Afghanistan.

League for Human Rights director Shamaki Gad Peter said that after the siege rights workers saw the bodies of up to 20 people who were unarmed and appeared to have been shot from behind, possibly trying to escape the mayhem, he said.

Military spokesman Col. Mohammed Yerima initially denied allegations that the military intentionally killed civilians but said that the militants were indistinguishable from civilians.

"All the civilians that were living in that place were evacuated, to our knowledge," he said. "And those that remained in that enclave are loyalists and members of the group. So the issue of whether we have killed innocent civilians is not true."

He added, "The issue of identifying who is the Taliban or not, the human rights groups are not fair to security agencies because they don't have any marks on their faces. There is no way to know if this is Taliban or this is not."

Maiduguri resident Linda Dukwa said she had seen police execute two men Monday, frightening her and her family so badly that they did not venture out of their house, even for food, for days afterward.

The men "were dressed in white robes," she said, indicating they were sect members. "They were held by policemen. Then they shot their feet. After they fell on the ground, they (police) shot their heads."

National police spokesman Emmanuel Ojukwu denied such allegations of executions.

"We respect the rules of combat," he said.

Nigeria's 140 million people are roughly divided between Christians in the south and northern-based Muslims. Shariah was implemented in 12 northern states after Nigeria returned to civilian rule in 1999 following years of oppressive military regimes. More than 10,000 Nigerians have died in sectarian violence since then.

Dire poverty is at the heart of the violence, which analysts say reflects decades-old grievances of Nigerians whose governments are so corrupt and ineffective they do not deliver even basic services like running water and electricity.

Boko Haram members are particularly angry that full Shariah has not been implemented, especially the law's demand for a social welfare system helping poor people.

In recent months, police have been raiding Boko Haram hideouts and finding explosives and arms. The house at the compound in Maiduguri included a laboratory the military said was used to make bombs.

an claims he found a rodent inside Diet Pepsi can

The Food and Drug Administration is testing a Diet Pepsi can that a central Florida man claims had the remains of a possible rodent inside. Fred Denegri of Ormond Beach took a few sips from the can on July 23, only later to discover what was inside. He said the rodent was big enough that it wouldn't come out of the can.

Pepsi officials said Wednesday they traced the can back to the manufacturing plant in Orlando and didn't find anything wrong with the company's quality controls and soda sampling. Spokesman Jeff Dahncke said it's unlikely that something like this could happen during production.

Denegri called poison control after the discovery, but he didn't become sick. The 55-year-old says he's a Pepsi fan and will keep drinking it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Taliban trained teens as suicide bombers, Pakistan authorities say

Pakistan — As normalcy returns to Pakistan's scenic Swat valley after a major army operation to oust Taliban extremists, local parents are coming forward with a chilling revelation: The Pakistani Taliban abducted around 100 children to be trained as suicide bombers.

According to the Pakistani army, the children, who were often forcibly taken from their homes, have been brought in by their families or arrested by security forces. The army paraded a half-dozen boys, who appeared to be between 13 and 16 years old, in front of the local media on Sunday. One unnamed boy, crying, pleaded: "You should feel for us as you do for your own children."

"We're finding a lot of children who have been trained, brainwashed, told even that if your parents get in the way, you must finish them," said Brigadier Tahir Hameed , the operational commander for the Mingora area, speaking at army headquarters in the city, which the Taliban besieged for a month.

Videos that were being sold in Mingora when the Taliban were in control showed many teenage boys being trained for suicide attacks. The videos would climax by showing them embrace their adult tutors before climbing into vehicles, which were then filmed driving into their targets — often military checkpoints — and detonating, all to a sound track of hypnotic jihadist songs.

The army is setting up a rehabilitation center for the children and is planning to provide a course for them at a fort in the region.

Lt. Col. Aktar Abbas said the length of the rehabilitation course would vary for each child, depending on "how far that boy has gone." The army will fund the residential program and provide accommodations, educational facilities and psychologists, he said.

"They (the children) have been through great trauma. They were picked up from their homes by the Taliban ," said Abbas. "Some found their way back to their parents, some were found and arrested during the operation."

Other residents of Swat, just 100 miles north of the Pakistani capital of Islamabad , are finding the way home choked with traffic. Old cars, brightly colored buses and trucks form long lines daily to get into the city.

They're loaded with people and their possessions — beds, electric fans and tents tied on the roofs with rope — with women and children often perched precariously on top. It's a bittersweet homecoming for many residents, who find their homes and shops looted, and especially for laborers, who're uncertain they can find employment again.

People in the Swat valley are daring to play music again, but many remain concerned that the Taliban will make a comeback. The headless body of a police officer, discovered Tuesday in an area where government security forces are present, confirmed that the militants remain a threat.

Some 2 million people fled Swat and the adjacent districts of Buner and Dir at the start of May, as the army took on the Taliban in a U.S.-backed offensive. The government started a vast return program on July 13 . By Monday, 81,901 families — some 575,000 individuals — had returned.

"We saw banners saying that the people of Swat will go back to heaven, but when we got here, we found the door closed," said Khan Rehman, a 50-year-old who was squatting in an empty office building with several hundred others on the outskirts of Mingora.

Rehman said that local officials had ordered his family to leave the school where they were living in Swabi, a town southeast of Swat, because it had to be cleaned for the next semester. Rehman's home in Kanju, however, is still off-limits because the army is still "mopping up" Taliban and de-mining the area.

Residents of Kanju, just across the river from Mingora, are now occupying empty buildings in the Nowakilla neighborhood without running water, food or government assistance. Many have been there for 10 days.

In another corner of Nowakilla, though, young men gathered in a "batek," a traditional room for men to socialize, where they were playing cards, listening to a music cassette, joking with each other and preparing fishing equipment for a trip to the nearby river.

Sahibzada, a 20-year-old who goes by only one name, pointed out the bullet marks on the wall of the batek. He said the Taliban had banned them from using the room, as they considered such leisure activities un-Islamic.

"Let alone being able to play music, we couldn't even talk freely (under the Taliban )," said Sahibzada. "The Taliban even said that fishing was a sin. Now, normalcy is coming back quickly."

In a further sign of normalcy, schools are due to re-open next week, and the students at the 200 schools blown up by the Taliban will attend class in tents or temporary buildings.

In Mingora's Green Square , dubbed " Bloody Square ," the crossroads in the middle of the city where the Taliban used to behead people — government employees, those living "immoral" lives, anyone who criticized the extremists — a music stall is back in business.

"When the Taliban were here, I used to sell Islamic tapes," said music stall owner Shaukat Iqbal , 40, whose shelves are filled with the Indian film music and songs in the regional Pashto language. "If the Taliban come again, I will go back to the Islamic tapes. There's no guarantee that they won't come back."

At his shoe shop in Green Square , surrounded by buildings that were badly damaged in the military operation, Abdul Jameel , 31, said that business was roughly doubling each day as more people returned.

"There is zero presence of Taliban in Mingora, but still people are afraid. They just come quickly to buy what's essential," said Jameel, whose home was looted of everything down to children's toys. "People fear that, if the army goes, it will be the turn of the Taliban again. It's a circle."

The Taliban leadership in Swat, including its chief Mullah Fazlullah, remain at large. His blood-curdling voice has returned to his radio station in recent days, when he promised a resurgence. The army said it captured two Toyota trucks that Fazullah uses but just missed him in the darkness a few nights ago.

In Mingora, the army, paramilitary and police maintain a huge presence on street corners, on patrol in armored personnel carriers and in sandbagged positions on rooftops. Authorities have begun relaxing the curfew over the city, but still impose it at 6 p.m. each evening until the next morning.

The people of Swat are profoundly cynical about the army after two previous half-hearted operations that left the Taliban in control. This time, the scale of the offensive appeared to have convinced most that this time the army was serious.

"This area was 100 percent under Taliban control," said Ikram Qadir , 23, walking around his neighborhood of Landikas in the middle of the city. "Now in Mingora, one leaf cannot move without the army's permission."

Still, there are rumors, which the army denies, that yet another deal could be done with Fazlullah.

"No dialogue, no truce, only elimination," said Ziauddin Yusufzai , a school principal in Mingora. "We will not accept any kind of peace deal. If they (the army) do it this time, they'll lose this country."

The army commander Hameed told McClatchy that the Taliban remain in "small pockets" and the operation would go on "while terrorism continues." He said that progress now depends on the willingness of returning residents to tell the authorities about the presence of Taliban remnants in their area. In the past, people have been too terrified of reprisals to inform.

"If people co-operate, I think this will finish soon," Hameed said. "It depends on society standing on its own feet."

(Shah is a McClatchy special correspondent.)

Thursday, May 7, 2009




Saturday, April 11, 2009

Disney to reissue ‘Toy Story,’ ‘Beast’ in 3-D

LAS VEGAS - Walt Disney is going 3-D on a lot of future films — and some from its past.

The studio announced Tuesday that 3-D versions of the computer-animated tales “Toy Story” and “Toy Story 2” will be released Oct. 2 for a two-week run as a double feature. Disney also is preparing a 3-D version of its hand-drawn animated musical “Beauty and the Beast” for release Feb. 12, 2010.

The “Toy Story” double bill is an “offer to moms and dads and people of all ages that they can come back to the movie theater and they can see two movies that they loved in 2-D format. Now they can see them in 3-D format for one price,” said Mark Zoradi, president of Disney’s motion picture group. “This was a way to kind of create an event with a very good value proposition given today’s economy.”

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Vitamin D Pills May Prevent Fractures in Older Adults

supplements may help prevent fractures in people over 65, provided they take enough of the right kind. A new review of clinical trials appears to show a strong dose-dependent effect for vitamin D in lowering the risk for nonvertebral fractures in the elderly

The lead author of the analysis, Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, a professor of medicine at the University of Zurich, said that “vitamin D in a high enough dose is not only beneficial in the frail older population, but it also works in those still living at home and able to take care of themselves.”

The researchers, writing in the March 23 issue of The Archives of Internal Medicine, reviewed 12 randomized trials that together included more than 65,000 subjects. Doses under 400 international units a day had no discernible effect, but for doses larger than that, the pooled data showed a 20 percent reduction in the risk for all nonvertebral fractures, and an 18 percent reduction for broken hips.

The type of vitamin D made a difference. The effect of vitamin D3 was significant, with a 23 percent risk reduction, but there was no significant reduction with vitamin D2. The authors suggest that D3 is more effective in maintaining blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the active form that the supplement takes in the body.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Monsters Vs. Aliens" Team To Hit No. 1

(AP) Movie beasts from old-time Hollywood got a makeover as heroes and conquered the weekend box office.

DreamWorks Animation's action comedy "Monsters vs. Aliens," which features creatures from 1950s films in a showdown with invading extraterrestrials, launched itself into the No. 1 spot with a $58.2 million debut, according to studio estimates Sunday.

It was the biggest debut so far in 2009, topping the $55.2 million first weekend of "Watchmen" in early March.

Opening in second place was Lionsgate's ghost story "The Haunting in Connecticut" with $23 million in ticket sales.

The previous weekend's top movie, Summit Entertainment's apocalyptic thriller "Knowing," slipped to third with $14.7 million, raising its 10-day total to $46.2 million.

The big opening for "Monsters vs. Aliens" boosted Hollywood revenues after a couple of down weekends. Movies overall pulled in about $148 million, up 39 percent from the same weekend a year ago, according to box-office tracker Media By Numbers.

For the year, revenues have reached $2.38 billion, up 12 percent from 2008's, according to Media By Numbers. Accounting for this year's higher ticket prices, movie attendance is up 10.4 percent.

Hollywood historically weathers recessions well given the relative low cost of movies compared with other entertainment such as concerts or sports events. But the declining revenues of the previous two weekends showed that audiences will not run out to just any old film, said Paul Dergarabedian, president of Media By Numbers.

"The recession offers a framework from which movies can do well for people looking to escape," Dergarabedian said. "But they have to want to escape to these movies. The appeal has to be there, and it clearly was for `Monsters vs. Aliens."'

Reese Witherspoon leads the cast of "Monsters vs. Aliens," providing vocals for a woman who grows to nearly 50 feet (15 meters) after an encounter with a meteor. The voice cast also includes Seth Rogen, Kiefer Sutherland, Hugh Laurie, Will Arnett and Stephen Colbert.

"Monsters vs. Aliens" was the latest success story for digital 3-D projection. While the 2,080 3-D screens accounted for just 28 percent of the roughly 7,300 on which the movie played, they made up 56 percent of its total box-office haul, said Anne Globe, head of marketing for DreamWorks Animation.

Tickets for 3-D movies typically cost a few dollars more than the 2-D version.

"Audiences donned 3-D glasses in the biggest way ever," Globe said. "`Monsters vs. Aliens' serves as valuable proof of concept for the next generation of 3-D."

The company plans to offer 3-D versions of all of its future animated films, including next year's "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Shrek Goes Fourth," the third sequel to the blockbuster ogre franchise.

Other upcoming 3-D releases this year include Pixar Animation's "Up" and James Cameron's science-fiction adventure "Avatar."

Large-screen IMAX theaters showing "Monsters vs. Aliens" in 3-D accounted for $5.2 million of the movie's overall grosses. Those 143 IMAX theaters represented only about 2 percent of the screens on which the movie played but contributed 9 percent of its total box office.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Media By Numbers LLC. Final figures will be released Monday.

1. "Monsters vs. Aliens," $58.2 million.

2. "The Haunting in Connecticut," $23 million.

3. "Knowing," $14.7 million.

4. "I Love You, Man," $12.6 million.

5. "Duplicity," $7.6 million.

6. "Race to Witch Mountain," $5.6 million.

7. "12 Rounds," $5.3 million.

8. "Watchmen," $2.755 million.

9. "Taken," $2.75 million.

10. "The Last House on the Left," $2.6 million.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Miss Universe says had "lot of fun" in Guantanamo

MIAMI (Reuters) - A "relaxing, calm, beautiful place" may not be everyone's description of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the United States holds about 240 prisoners in a detention center that has drawn condemnation from around the world.

Miss Universe 2008 Dayana Mendoza of Venezuela poses with President of the Nicaraguan Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS Leticia Sanchez (R) and Aracelis Canon (L), who are both HIV positive, after a news conference in Managua in this January 22, 2009 file photo. (REUTERS/Oswaldo Rivas/Files)
But this was the opinion of reigning Miss Universe Dayana Mendoza of Venezuela, who visited the U.S. naval facility in eastern Cuba this month on a trip organized by the United Service Organizations (USO) which supports U.S. troops.

The Guantanamo Bay base, whose presence Cuba's government has contested as illegal for years, is used by U.S. authorities as a prison camp for foreign terrorism suspects. Critics have condemned it as a symbol of abuses in Washington's war on terrorism launched after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Caracas-born Mendoza, 22, who visited the facility March 20-25 along with Miss USA Crystle Stewart, 27, enthused about her Guantanamo trip as an "incredible experience" in a blog entry posted on the Miss Universe website dated March 27, 2009.

"It was a loooot of fun!," Mendoza wrote, describing how she and Stewart met U.S. military personnel and took rides around the camp, which is encircled by a barbed-wire fenced, minefields and watchtowers. She said they also visited a bar on the base and the "unbelievable" beach there.

"We visited the Detainees camps and we saw the jails, where they shower, how the(y) recreate themselves with movies, classes of art, books. It was very interesting," she wrote.

"I didn't want to leave, it was such a relaxing place, so calm and beautiful," she added.

Former detainees and human rights groups have alleged the use of torture, including "waterboarding" (simulated drowning) and other physical abuses, at the Guantanamo prison.

In a statement, the Miss Universe Organization said Mendoza and Stewart's trip to Guantanamo was part of a longstanding relationship with the USO and its entertainment program "which boosts the morale of U.S. troops."

"Dayana Mendoza's comments on her blog were in reference to the hospitality she received while meeting the members of the U.S. military and their families who are stationed in Guantanamo," Miss Universe Organization President Paula M. Shugart said in the statement.

"We will continue to show our appreciation and express our gratitude to the military personnel who serve our nation," Shugart said.

Recounting her "memorable" trip, Mendoza, who was crowned Miss Universe 2008 in Vietnam, said: "We also met the Military dogs, and they did a very nice demonstration of their skills. All the guys from the Army were amazing with us."

Britain announced last week it would investigate whether members of its secret services were complicit in the torture of a British resident released from Guantanamo Bay last month.

Spanish prosecutors may decide this week whether to start an investigation of six former officials from George W. Bush's administration in connection with the torture of Guantanamo detainees.

In one of his first acts in office, U.S. President Barack Obama set a one-year deadline for shutting the prison.

The Pentagon said last month it had received renewed reports of prisoner abuse during a recent review of conditions at Guantanamo, but had concluded that all prisoners were being kept in accordance with the Geneva Conventions.

(Additional reporting by Jane Sutton)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obama arrives in UK for G20, Europe tour

By Stephen Collinson
Agence France-Presse
First Posted 03:04:00 04/01/2009

Filed Under: Military, World Financial Crisis, Diplomacy, Foreign affairs & international relations, US politics, Obama Articles

LONDON—(UPDATE) US President Barack Obama arrived in London Tuesday ahead of the G20 economic summit, on his eagerly awaited first foray onto the global stage since he moved into the White House in January.

Obama arrived at the heavily secured Stansted airport outside London aboard Air Force One, then rode in his helicopter, codenamed Marine One, to the US ambassador's residence in central London.

The new US president will immediately face stiff tests in his first big foray into high-stakes global diplomacy, with his first meetings with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and China's President Hu Jintao on Wednesday.

The president will also meet Wednesday with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the host of the G20 economic crisis summit of developed and developing nations, and the two leaders will hold a joint press conference.

Seldom has a US president faced such a stern first test overseas as the one awaiting Obama at Thursday's Group of 20 summit, with the once mighty US economy and the global finance system locked in the worst crisis for decades.

He is set to take a central role in global efforts to mitigate the crisis but the talks have been dogged by persistent reports of rifts between Europe and the United States on the best way to tame the world recession.

On Friday, Obama will head to France and Germany for NATO's symbolic 60th anniversary summit, which marks his first test abroad as US commander in chief and his best chance to sell his new plan for the Afghan war to wary allies.

The Europe trip also marks the much anticipated debut on the global stage of Obama's wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, who also has a packed agenda of meetings and planned appearances.

Their visit is seen by Europe analysts as the most anticipated by a US president and first lady since that of John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy.

The president will formally launch his personal bid to "reset" US-Russia relations, badly strained during the former Bush administration, in his meeting with Medvedev.

The talks with China's Hu will take place against a backdrop of economic tensions between the two powers, and following a standoff between a US navy ship and Chinese vessels.

"This will be the first meeting between the president and each of those leaders. Our sense is there will be a very broad agenda, touching any number of issues, economic, political, strategic," said Mike Froman, a deputy US national security adviser for international economic affairs.

US officials also said the Obama-Hu meeting would touch on North Korea's apparently imminent missile test, and the consequences for the six-party process designed to eliminate Pyongyang's weapons programs.

Later Wednesday, Obama will meet with Britain's Queen Elizabeth and join fellow Group of 20 leaders on the eve of their summit to seek agreement on how to kick-start global demand and reframe regulation of the finance industry to forestall future crises.

Amid new suggestions of division about whether more economic stimulus or more far reaching regulation was the best way to stimulate demand, the White House again argued that a broad consensus could be reached.

"Despite the back and forth in the press, nobody at any point has any expectations that countries would come to this meeting ... and say 'I am going to do another point of stimulus,'" Froman said.

"That is not what these summits are about, this is not a pledging conference. Right now there is vigorous debate in Europe as to whether more stimulus is necessary or prudent.

"Countries have done stimulus, those stimulus plans are being implemented, and from our point of view, all that is necessary down the road, if growth is not restored, how will countries react?"

Obama, who is more popular than most of the European leaders he will meet, left for London bolstered by a new poll showing most American voters are happy to see him fly the flag overseas.

Eight in 10 people polled by CNN/Opinion Research Corporation believed that Obama would do a good job representing them to the world.

After the G20 summit on Thursday, and talks with leaders including Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Saudi King Abdullah, Obama heads to France and Germany for the NATO summit.

He will stop in the Czech Republic on Sunday for US-EU meetings in Prague, then wrap up his trip in Turkey, with a first chance to engage the Muslim world.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Maradona Sedih Dianggap Pengkhianat Oleh Fans Boca Juniors

Buenos Aires, (ANTARA/Reuters) - Pelatih tim nasional Argentina Diego Maradona mengaku sedih karena dinilai sebagai pengkhianat oleh pendukung klub favoritnya, Boca Juniors.

"Itu melukai batin saya karena mereka mencap saya sebagai pengkhianat, tapi saya tidak dapat melakukan apa pun soal ini," katanya kepada Radio Mitre, Rabu waktu setempat (Kamis pagi WIB).

Kritik dari fans itu dilontarkan menyusul keputusan playmaker Boca Junior Juan Roman Riquelme pekan lalu untuk mundur dari tim nasional Argentina,

Riquleme mengatakan bahwa ia kecewa atas komentar terbuka Maradona mengenai gaya permainannya.

Sebelum pertandingan hari Minggu melawan Argentinos Juniors di stadion Bombonera, para suporter tuan rumah Boca memberi penghormataan kepada Riquelme dan memperlihatan spanduk yang menyebut Maradona, yang sudah dianggap sebagai pahlawan di klub itu, sebagai pengkhianat.

"Saya tidak menyalahkan para suporter, mereka berhak mendukung siapa pun," kata Maradona.

"Saya sudah menjelaskan bahwa ia ingin Riquelme dalam tim saya, tapi mereka melihat hal itu dengan cara mereka," katanya.

Maradona, yang masih memiliki boks sendiri di Stadion Bombonera, menambahkan bahwa ia tetap akan menjalankan tugasnya tanpa perlu ada rasa tidak enak dengan para suporternya.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Ya, semua manusia yang ada di dunia ini, selama ia masih bernafas selalu mempunyai Problem Hidup, baik problem dari luar dirinya (ekternal Problem) atau dari dalam (Internal Problem).

Seringkali kita temui, hubungan yang tidak harmonis sesama saudara, teman, kekasih, bahkan dalam sebuah keluarga menjadi tidak harmonis ketika berbenturan kepentingan antar sesamanya, jangan pikir kita saja yang mempunyai masalah, orang lain juga, jadi ebook saya membahas secara teknis bagaimana Anda bisa mengatasi dan meng upgrade kebiasaan Anda dan karakter Anda menjadi orang yang lebih baik lagi.

Problem kehidupan memang beragam jenisnya, setiap orang masalahnya berbeda pada masing masing individu, baik orang asia, orang barat, maupun orang Indonesia, baik dia sudah tua ataupun masih anak muda, bahkan perbedaan gender juga memiliki masalahnya sendiri.

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Setelah Anda membaca ebook saya ini, Anda akan bisa lebih menyesuaikan diri kepada siapapun juga yang Anda temui, baik boos Anda, bawahan Anda, Kekasih Anda ataupun Pasangan Hidup Anda.

Ebook saya ini di buat untuk lebih mudah di pahami dan bisa dipraktekkan dalam kehidupan sehari.


Terima kasih

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pohon Pisang Bertandan Lima Hebohkan Warga Sumenep

Warga Dusun Barambang, Desa Kalimook, Kecamatan Kalianget, Sumenep, Madura heboh dengan pohon pisang bertandan lima. Pohon pisang yang tumbuh subur di atas lahan milik Ny Aminah (60), selain menjadi tontonan, juga dikeramatkan oleh warga.

Jenis gedang lomot (pisang hijau) ini, tandan pertama mulai muncul 1 bulan lalu. Kemudian menyusul tandan lainnya hingga berjumlah 5. Pisang yang tergolong aneh ini baru pertama kali ada di daerah tersebut. Tak ayal setiap hari ramai dikunjungi warga.

Sebelum pisang hijau ini memiliki 5 tandan, sebulan lalu pemiliknya, Aminah bermimpi ada bintang jatuh tepat di areal yang ditumbuhi pisang tersebut. Semula dianggapnya hanya mimpi penghias tidur. Namun mimpi serupa kembali dialami pada malam berikutnya.

Mimpi Aminah baru terjawab setelah mendapatkan pisang bertandan lima di tempat bintang jatuh itu. Dia heran dan terkejut serta ingat dengan kebesaran Allah yang ditunjukkan pada manusia. Pohon pisang itu akhirnya dijaga dengan baik.

Warga sekitar pun mengkeramatkan pisang itu. Meski belum terkuak khasiatnya, namun masyarakat mempunyai keyakinan jika buah pisang tersebut dapat dijadikan obat mujarab. Rencananya, pohon pisang bertandan lima akan dikonsultasikan pada orang pintar.

Pemilik pisang bertandan lima, Ny Aminah (60) mengatakan, selama memelihara pisang baru kali ini menemukan pisang bertandan lima.

"Dua tahun lalu hanya ada yang bertandan 2 tapi perkembangannya tidak subur lalu mati. Tapi yang pisang ini pertumbuhannya bagus," ujar Aminah saat ditemui di lokasi, Kamis (19/3/2009).

Friday, March 20, 2009

Apple to Preview New iPhone Software

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MARCH 12, 2009, 11:21 P.M. ET

Apple to Give Glimpse of New iPhone Software



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Apple Inc. plans to preview a new version of its software for the iPhone next week, amid widespread speculation that the company is also preparing to launch a new model of the cellphone later this year.

The Cupertino, Calif., company said in an email invitation Thursday that it would provide a "sneak peek" of a new operating system for the iPhone at a media event on March 17. It also said it would show a new software kit that developers can use to make programs to distribute through the company's App Store.

Apple's event, its first since an appearance at the Macworld trade show in January, comes as speculation had been mounting about what new products the company was planning for this year. Analysts believe the software Apple will be showing is for a new iPhone that could be launched this summer.

"All of this could be the prelude before a new iPhone," said Charlie Wolf, an analyst at Needham & Co. An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment on the speculation.

The iPhone is considered one of Apple's key drivers of growth. The business has taken off rapidly since Apple introduced a model last July with higher-speed Internet access and the introduction of the App Store, which gives users access to thousands of games, entertainment software and other applications.

Apple has sold more than 17 million iPhones, and users have downloaded more than 500 million applications in the last eight months. Revenue from the iPhone business increased by more than five times to $1.2 billion in the quarter ended Dec. 27 from $241 million a year earlier.

Still, analysts have been concerned about how Apple could be affected by slowing sales of smart phones overall in the worsening economic environment. The market researcher IDC Thursday lowered its forecast for global smart-phone sales in 2009, predicting 3.4% growth down from 8.7%.

As popular as the iPhone has been, users have pointed to obvious improvements that Apple could make to the iPhone software such as including the ability to cut and paste and conduct videoconferences, and an advanced search technology to more easily find information stored on the device.

Software developers in the meantime are hoping Apple will start allowing applications, like instant messaging, that are always running in the background even when the phone is in sleep mode or being used for something else.

—John Kell contributed to this article.

Write to Yukari Iwatani Kane at

Awas! Ribuan Perempuan Histeris di Sudirman

Aaaaaa! Terdengar teriakan histeris ribuan perempuan dari dalam gedung WTC Sudirman. Saling dorong dan sikut terjadi. Ada apa?

Sejak jam 09.00 pagi perempuan-perempuan ini telah memadati atrium gedung World Trade Center (WTC) di Jl. Jend Sudirman. Mereka terdiri dari pekerja kantoran, mahasiswi, bahkan ibu rumah tangga.

Tujuan mereka hanya satu. Mencari sepatu! Yup, sejak Senin (17/03/2009) sebuah merk sepatu asal Singapura menggelar pesta diskon rangkaian produknya mulai dari sepatu, tas, kacamata, sampai ikat pinggang.

Saking ramainya, panitia harus memberlakukan sistem buka-tutup. Setiap satu jam sekali pintu akan dibuka. Ketika itu terjadi, ratusan perempuan yang telah mengantre langsung berhamburan dan saling dorong untuk segera menemukan sepatu impian dengan harga miring.

"Tolong jangan dorong-dorong bu, kasihan yang di depan," ujar petugas keamanan yang teriakannya tidak diacuhkan pengunjung.

Suasana meja-meja display bak acara diskon dalam film 'Confession of a Shopaholic' yang diputar di bioskop baru-baru ini. Perempuan hamil, bawa anak, atau pekerja yang 'kabur' sementara dari kantor untuk mencicipi diskon sepatu tak peduli dengan sekitar dan saling dorong untuk menemukan sepatu impian.

Petugas konter pun dibuat pusing dengan teriakan para perempuan yang seperti 'kalap' melihat diskon. Sepatu merk Charles and Keith yang dijual miring mulai harga Rp. 40.000 (biasa lebih dari Rp. 200 ribu) tersebut habis diserbu.

"Mas tolong dong nomor 37," ujar seorang peremouan pada petugas pria. "Maaf bu saya nggak bisa," ucap petugas pria yang bukan bertugas mencari sepatu. "Kalau nggak bisa jangan lewat-lewat sini dong," ketus perempuan kantoran tersebut geram. "Huuuu..," perempuan lain yang ada di sekitar situ ikut bersorak.

Diskon sepatu ini masih berlangsung sampai Jumat (20/3/2009). Untuk yang penasaran disarankan datang pagi jangan membawa anak kecil dan siap fisik dan mental! Awas, jangan main-main dengan wanita 'lapar' diskon!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Indian lunar orbiter hit by heat rise

NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- Scientists have switched off several on-board instruments to halt rising temperatures inside India's first unmanned lunar spacecraft.

The spacecraft carrying India's first lunar probe, Chandrayaan-1, lifts off from Sriharikota.

Mylswamy Annadurai, the project director for the lunar mission, told CNN that temperatures onboard Chandrayaan-1 had risen to 49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit).

The increase occurred as the craft, the moon -- which it is orbiting -- and the sun lined up, a phenomenon which Annadurai said was not unexpected and which would likely last until the end of December.

"We have switched off the systems (aboard) that are not needed to be on," Annadurai said, ruling out the possibility of damage and adding that the temperature was now down to 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

Heat on board the Chandrayaan-1 should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), Annadurai said -- but insisted the orbiter is designed to withstand up to 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit).

The Chandrayaan-1 -- Chandrayaan means "moon craft" in Sanskrit -- was successfully launched from southern India on October 22.

Watch the launch of India's first lunar mission »

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India launches first moon mission

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Its two-year mission is to take high-resolution, three-dimensional images of the moon's surface, especially the permanently shadowed polar regions. It also will search for evidence of water or ice and attempt to identify the chemical composition of certain lunar rocks, the group said.

Earlier this month the Moon Impact Probe detached from Chandrayaan-1 and successfully crash-landed on the moon's surface.

Officials say that the TV-size probe, which is adorned with a painting of the Indian flag, hit the moon's surface at a speed of 5,760 kilometers per hour (3,579 mph).

It transmitted data to Chandrayaan-1 ahead of impact but was not intended to be retrieved after that.

Chandrayaan-1 is carrying payloads from the United States, the European Union and Bulgaria. India plans to share the data from the mission with other programs, including NASA.

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